Chinese Social Credit Systems
Trusting by Numbers: An Analysis of a Chinese Municipal Social Credit System Governance Infrastructure. Critical Sociology. 2024. (with Akos Rona-Tas) [Link]
A Tale of Two Social Credit Systems: The Succeeded and Failed Adoption of Machine Learning in Sociotechnical Infrastructures. Oxford Handbook of the Sociology of Machine Learning, edited by Christian Borch and Juan Pablo Pardo-Guerra. Oxford: University of Oxford Press. 2024. [Link]
Black or Fifty-Shades of Grey? The Power and Limits of the Chinese Social Credit Blacklist System. Journal of Contemporary China. 2023. 32 (144): 1117-1133. (with Alexander Trauth-Goik) [Link]
Who Supports Expanding Surveillance? Exploring Public Opinion of Chinese Social Credit Systems. International Sociology. 2022. 37(3): 391-412. [Link]
Multiple Social Credit Systems in China. Economic Sociology. 2019. 21(1): 22-32. [Link]
One Number Rules All: The Politics of Data, Quantification, and Bureaucracy of a Chinese Social Credit System (book manuscript in progress)
The Imagined Techno-Dystopia: Making the Chinese Social Credit System in the United States. in progress. (with Marianne von Blomberg)
AI in Action
Seeing Like a State, Enacting Like an Algorithm: (Re)assembling Contact Tracing and Risk Assessment during COVID-19. Science, Technology & Human Values. 2022. 47(4): 698-725. [Link]
Making Sense of Algorithms: Relational Perception of Contact Tracing and Risk Assessment during the COVID-19. Big Data & Society. 2021. 18(1). (with Ross Graham) [Link]
Making Sense of Generative AI at Work: Metaphors, Hopes, and Fears. in progress. (with Nancy Baym and Ryland Shaw)
A Relational Approach of Trusting in AI: Evidence from a National Survey in China. in progress. (with Zheng Fu)
Data Politics
The Politics of Governance by Quantification Infrastructure. Critical Sociology. (with Jun Liu) [Link]
The State’s Politics of Fake Data. in progress. (with danah boyd)
The Political Data Work and the Co-Production of Data-Driven Systems. in progress. (with Canhui Liu)
Previously, I have worked on public health and the politics of it. You can check more details from the links below.
I examined on how public health expertise is entangled with power and produce knowledge that can be institutionalized into political actions in different societies.
I studied social determinants of health to develop community-based health communication campaigns for marginalized communities.